Jordan's Year of Growth


Jordan was so busy this year! But we have to look back to the end of last year first because Jordan experienced a very cool defining moment for her preschool years. She had a chance to enjoy the ultimate princess experience. She got to dress up like a princess for her third birthday and meet Cinderella and Prince Charming at Disney World. She's claimed the Disney castle as her own ever since.

Jordan is into her second year of dance - this year she's in a winter and a spring recital. It's a big deal for a little girl! (You can watch a video below to see her practicing during a recent class) Along with dance and pretending she's a princess, Jordan had an opportunity to start equestrian therapy. She took a spring and a fall class where she learned how to trot, use reigns and she even got to try a pirouette on a horse!

This summer we joined a pool and that gave Jordan her first real chance to spend a lot of time swimming. She loved it. During our big vacation to New Hampshire and Maine, Jordan had a

chance to hike up her first mountain! She was very proud to have earned the title of "Mountain Girl." She, Cameron and Mommy also had a chance to attend Camp No Limits when it came to the St. Louis area for the first time. We met many new friends and Jordan got to learn about pilates and building core strength. We can't wait to go again in 2010. We also got to meet up with a few limb difference families in Missouri. We are so lucky!

Jordan also really figured out how to use her helper arm! Her "bouncy hand" helps give her balance at dance. Her "bike arm" helps her master the art of riding her bike with training wheels. Her "open/close arm" (which is an "old school" prosthetic hook that opens and closes) is helping
her learn how to scrape food off a plate and use scissors with paper. We're looking forward to taking Jordan back to Chicago to build her next helper arm. We expect to work on a new arm that will have a flexing "elbow." Jen's really looking forward to seeing what Jordan can do with that!

Jordan is loving her new preschool - it's an early education lab at Mizzou. She's made many new friends and is enjoying being a student on campus. She's probably the youngest college student you know! She may have a year and a half left of preschool, but she's already one of the strongest personalities in her classroom. If you've had a chance to meet her in person, you wouldn't be surprised to hear that.

If you're interested in keeping up with Jordan throughout the year, feel free to visit her blog, Born Just Right!