Cameron's Fun Year


Cameron had a lot going on this year! Not only did he get glasses and grow a bunch of grownup teeth, he played baseball (first year in coach-pitch), learned how to really swim, rode his bike like a champ, played flag football (tackle football starts next year) and played indoor and outdoor soccer! (You can find a little bit of video of Cam on the field during an indoor soccer game at the bottom of this page.)

Right after Christmas 2008, Cam and the rest of the family got a chance to visit Disney World for two whole days. Mr. Bravery rode on ALL of the Magic Kingdom roller coasters! In January,
 Cam got to tour of the State Capitol building. One of the media coordinators in the building gave Cameron a personal tour of the state House and Senate rooms. Then I happened to know another person who let us tour the very top of the building. We got to climb all the way to the top and see the view of the Missouri River and everything else in Jefferson City. Cam was really 

brave. It was not a simple trek to the top of the building!

The trips didn't end there! Cam spent time alone with his sister and grandparents in Kentucky while his parents were on their own vacation. Cameron even got to go to Chicago over Fourth of July and explored the Field Museum. (He loved it!) During our camping vacation to New Hampshire, Cam and Randy climbed along a mountain summit and survived lots of challenging boulders. Cameron proved to be an AMAZING hiker. In total, he and Randy hiked more than 10 miles in four days! And we're not talking simple miles - we're talking mountain miles! What a guy. After the camping trip, he had a chance to revisit his rock skipping and sandcastle building skills in Maine!
Not only is he a great hiker and sporty guy, Cameron started playing piano this Fall! He's already memorized Ode To Joy and he's studying a couple of Christmas songs to play over the holidays.
Another great part of this year was how Cameron and the rest of the family had a chance to go to all of the home football games at Mizzou. Cam is a pro at tailgating and took the time socializing and getting even better at throwing the football around.

School is also awesome. Cam has written great stories, loves math, science and social studies. He attended two science camps over the summer and even spent a day off from school attending a day-long "Science of Gross" class. There's nothing better than learning about the insides of a cow's eyeball!

Cameron wishes everybody a Merry Christmas!
If you're interested in keeping up with Cam's world online, visit his blog, Nerdy Mom and Cam!